Thursday, July 30, 2015

Booty Scooting

Went doesn't crawl yet, but he does get around on his bottom. He scoots, scoots, scoots. And, as you can see, he likes to get into stuff.

Friday, July 17, 2015

First Bicycle Ride

Wyatt had his first bicycle ride today. I attached the childseat to my two wheeled contraption. If you are wondering about his helmet, yes, he did wear a helmet. Safety safety safety. In the background of the picture, you may notice a garage sale sign and mannequins. My brother, Mark, is holding a garage sale on my driveway. Regina is simultaneously trying to get rid of her artwork from last year's fair.

Sitting Up From a Laying Position

Wyatts skills continue to develop. He is able to bring himself up to a sitting position from being flat on his back.